Time Travel

Primary Grammar:

-second conditional tense

Primary Vocabulary:

-time travel, time machine, past, present, future, paradox

Secondary Vocabulary:

-firsthand, alter, 'what if', scenario, fascinating

Speaking & Discussion Outcomes

Individual Speaking:

- students will form questions and express their own opinions

Group Discussion:

- personal ideas on what is fascinating about time travel

- critical thinking on where one would time travel to and why

- discussion on movies about time travel / different modes of time travel

- debate on whether or not time travel should be used

Let's meet and greet!

Where are you from?

Tell us a fun fact about you!

Tell us your name!

Time travel is an exciting idea that many people dream about. It means moving to different times in the past or future, just like we travel to different places. While time travel is a popular topic in movies and books, scientists are still unsure if it's a real-world possibility.

What do you think? Would you want to travel through time if you could?

What's time travel?

A Curiosity
about History:

The Thrill
of the Unknown:

The Power to Change:

Endless Possibilities:

Curiosity About History: Time travel lets us witness historical events firsthand.

Why are people


by time travel?

Time travel lets us witness historical events firsthand.

The future's mysteries captivate our imagination.

The potential to alter the past or future is intriguing.

Time travel stories explore fascinating 'what if' scenarios.

Captivate our Imagination:



What if?

Curiosity About History: Time travel lets us witness historical events firsthand.



When something interests or excites us and inspires us to think about new and creative things.

To change something.

Imagined or real situations or events that could happen in the future. They help us think about different

Experiencing or seeing something yourself, not just hearing about it from others.

A 'what if' question asks about a possible situation and its outcome. It helps us think about different scenarios and their effects.

This means that something is very interesting or exciting, capturing your attention completely.

What does it


What fascinates you about time travel?

Curiosity About History: Time travel lets us witness historical events firsthand.

The Thrill of the Unknown!

A Curiosity about History!

Endless Possibilities!

The Power
to Change!

If I could time travel,
I would explore the distant future because
I love the thrill of the unknown.

I ...

I ...

I ...

I ...

I ...

I ...

Movies about  

Time Travel

Which did you like or dislike?

Which movie looks interesting, and why do you think so?

What are your thoughts on time travel movies?

Which have you seen?
Were they interesting /
silly / boring?

Topic 1

at the speed of light

with a time travel clock

through a wormhole in space

with a mechanical time machine

with quantum physics

through a portal to a parallel universe

Ways to

Time Travel

Topic 2

If time travel were possible, how would you do it?

Which way do you think is most likely to work?

If I could travel to any time period,
I would visit the time of the dinosaurs.

The Stone Age
(The earliest part of human history when humans started using stone tools.)

The Classical Era
(The era of civilisations like Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.)

The Medieval Age
(The era between the end of Ancient Rome and the Renaissance.)

The Late 20th Century
(The time between the 1950s and 1990 is defined by rapid technological growth.)

The Distant Future
(The year 2050 onwards.)

The Mesozoic Era 
(The Age of the Dinosaurs)

Where would you go ...

and why?

If I could travel to (time period),
I would (go / visit / see / do / try) ...

We should use time travel to change the past.

It's better to travel to the future than the past.

Time travel is too dangerous for people to use.




Time for a brain break!


What do you want to know?
Ask me anything!





daily routine

Did you like this lesson?




What will life be like in the future?






Choose a card and discuss the scenario.




What is a paradox?

Scenario: You take something from the future, like a book or new idea, and bring it back. Then, people in your time use it to make that same thing.

Discussion Points:

Can information exist without an original source?

How does bringing future knowledge to the past create a paradox?

Who really had the idea first in this situation?

Scenario: You know about something that will happen in the future, and you try to change it, but then your actions actually cause it to happen.

Discussion Points:

If you know about an event in the future, can you do something in the present to change it?

How could your actions result in a future event happening instead of changing?

What does this say about destiny and free will?

Scenario: You go back in time and stop your grandfather from meeting your grandmother.

Discussion Points:

What happens to you if your grandparents never meet?

Can you exist if you stop your own birth?

How does changing this event affect the present and future?

What is a paradox?

Imagine this: You go to the future and see a big problem. You come back to the present, and you tell everyone about it. They stop the problem from happening. But if the problem never happens, why did you go to the future to learn about it?
This is called a paradox.

WKA Teens - Time Travel

By roxannejerrard

WKA Teens - Time Travel

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