Superhero Academy

Play Nice,
Win Twice
Play Nice,
Win Twice

People get medals in competitions because they show who did the best.

You'll be collecting medals in this lesson too!
What do you think about when you hear the word 'sport'?


Write as many words as you can to get a medal!

'To be a good sport' means to shake hands with your opponent, congratulate your opponents and respect the referee.
Be a good sport!

Coach, what does it mean to 'be a good sport'?

After winning a bowling game, Emma high-fives her opponent and says, 'Great effort! We all do our best, and that's what counts. Let's celebrate together!'
Alex gets upset about losing during soccer and starts blaming his teammates for the score. They feel sad.
After losing a basketball match, Lisa doesn't want to shake hands with her opponents and acts grumpy.

Are they being good sports?

be friendly with your opponents!

play fair!

To be a good sport, you must...

be respectful!

Yes, coach!

Pretend you're a coach!

Student 2

Pretend you're a basketball player!

Student 1

Coach, how can I be a good sport when I play basketball?

You must...

Team Goal Getters

Team ______

6 words about basketball in

Team Goal getters named 6 words in 90 seconds! Break their record to get a medal!
___ words about basketball


Players mustn't kick the ball.

Players must dribble the ball while they move.

Players must shoot the ball into the basket.

Players mustn't push opponents.


Sarah! You mustn't kick the ball! You're not following the rules!

You must tell the coach that you kicked the ball.

You must play fair, even if we lose. You're not being a good sport!

No, I don't want to tell! I want to win the game.

I know! But I don't want to lose! I want to win!

shake hands and give
high fives after a game

push your opponents
cry if you lose

be respectful

listen to your coach

listen to your teammates

Meet here to get a medal!
shake hands and give
high fives after a game

push your opponents
cry if you lose

be respectful

listen to your coach

listen to your teammates

a good

Coach, I'm sorry. I broke a rule!
I kicked the ball.

Thanks for telling me, Sarah. You must always follow_____ and respect your _____ when you play sports.

What must or mustn't you do?




Must you be kind to your friends?
Must you listen to your parents?
How must you behave at school?
How must you treat your pets?

Team Goal Getters has won the game!

Thank you! Would you like to come to our party to celebrate?

Sure, that sounds great!


Look at your medals! Can you remember what they are all for?


a good

What do you think of being a good sport now?

I don't want to be a good sport. I only want to win! I make my own rules!

I don't think you have to be a good sport all the time.

I've learnt a lot and want to be a good sport every day!


I'm going to the celebration party now!

Superhero Academy

Goodbye, everyone! Thanks for coming to my game!

True or false?

be friendly with your opponents!

play fair!

To be a good sport, you must...

be respectful!

Yes, coach!

____ with your opponents!

____ fair!

To be a good sport, you must...

____ respectful!

Yes, ____!

Let's remember how to be a good sport!


What must or mustn't you do if you want to be a good sport?

You must...
You mustn't...

cheat to win the game.

listen to your teammates.
do whatever you want.

listen to your coach.

respect your opponents.

follow the rules.

be fair.

be rude to your opponents.

What sports have you played?

What happened here?

During a race at the Olympics, two runners called Abbey and Nikki accidentally bumped into each other and fell down. Instead of running ahead, Abbey helped Nikki get up and cheered her on to keep going.

Later in the race, Abbey got hurt and didn't want to finish. But guess what? Nikki decided to help her! They finished the race together, showing sportsmanship and kindness, even though they were competing in the Olympics.

What is happening?

3.3 Sports - Play Nice, Win Twice - Shortened 24 Aug - Updated Aug 28 - SEP ALPHA V
By Mariet Steinmann
3.3 Sports - Play Nice, Win Twice - Shortened 24 Aug - Updated Aug 28 - SEP ALPHA V
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