Can geo-engineering save the earth?

Vocabulary: geo-engineering, climate change, CO2, reflect, absorb, fertilizer, phytoplankton, renewable energy

Grammar: may, might, could (modal verbs of possibility)

Short video: What is geoengineering?

Critical thinking / discussion: Choose which project you would like to do, and give reasons for your choice.

Debate: We could focus on everyday changes like reducing carbon emissions rather than geo-engineering projects.

Getting to know you!

Ask your classmate their name and a question you'd like to know about them.

Introduce yourself and where you come from.

Choose someone to
 go next!

Geo engineering video introduction

What do you know?

Design: lab with a smart TV in background, no scientist

Have you heard of geo-engineering?

Let's watch this video to learn
about it!

Design: image of video

Geo engineering video introduction

Let's watch!

Design: lab with a smart TV in background

Design: video zoomed in

Geoengineering [is] a way to counteract the dangers of manmade climate change. We could suck up all the CO2 with giant vacuums, or plant massive numbers of trees all over the world, or we could inject aerosols into the upper atmosphere. When volcanoes erupt, they launch millions
of tons of aerosols into the atmosphere that reflect sunlight back into space. 

counteract = fight

suck up = remove

CO2 = carbon dioxide, a gas

inject =
put into

atmosphere = the air that surrounds the earth

aerosols = tiny  drops that hang in the air

reflect =
bounce off

bold words will be clickable & definition will appear. 

Click on the words you don't understand for some help.

What is geo-engineering?

Comp questions

What examples of geo-engineering did you see in the video?

Answer the questions!

Design: lab with a smart TV in background

 the use of technology to change the Earth's environment to help stop climate change. 

Guess the word!


climate change


Vocab - click on the bubble to reveal the options

Vocab - answer is highlighted

a gas in the air. If there is too much of it, it can cause the Earth to heat up. 

Guess the word!




Vocab - click on the bubble to reveal the options

Vocab - answer is highlighted

to bounce back light or heat. 

Guess the word!




Vocab - click on the bubble to reveal the options

Vocab - answer is highlighted

to take in or soak up.

Guess the word!


give off


Vocab - click on the bubble to reveal the options

Vocab - answer is highlighted

food that is added to soil or water to help plants grow.






Guess the word!


plant pot

watering can

Vocab - click on the bubble to reveal the options

Vocab - answer is highlighted

tiny plants in the ocean that float in the water and make food using sunlight.

Guess the word!

sea grass



Vocab - click on the bubble to reveal the options

Vocab - answer is highlighted

a process where the Earth
is getting warmer
over a long time.

Guess the word!

climate change

extreme weather


Vocab - click on the bubble to reveal the options

Vocab - answer is highlighted

energy that comes from natural sources and does not run out, like sunlight, wind, and water.

Guess the word!


fossil fuels


Vocab - click on the bubble to reveal the options

Vocab - answer is highlighted

Geo-engineering project:
space mirrors

Space mirrors are large mirrors put in space to reflect some of the sun's rays away from Earth.

How could space mirrors help to stop climate change?

What might be some problems with using space mirrors?

Sea fertilizer involves adding food for plants into the sea. This encourages tiny plants called phytoplankton to grow.

What could be some benefits of using sea fertilizer?

Solution #2

Geo-engineering project:
sea fertilizer

How might putting fertilizer in the sea help to stop climate change?

What might be the benefits of the project?

How much money
could it cost?

How difficult would the project be?

How long could it take to see the benefits?

You have been given money for a geo-engineering project. Choose which project you would like to do, and give reasons for your choice.

sea fertilization

space mirrors

Riddle time!

 I reflect sunlight away, high up in space I stay. What am I?

I’m a tiny plant in the sea, absorbing carbon happily. What am I?

I am a gas in the air, causing climate change everywhere. What am I?

 I’m a big ball in the sky, bright and hot. When I shine, I can make plants grow a lot. What am I?

Let's brainstorm!

Some people don't think
geo-engineering projects are useful and we can stop climate change by making smaller everyday changes. 

What everyday changes could we make to stop climate change?



eat less


make homes

We could focus on everyday changes and not geo-engineering projects to help solve climate change.




We could focus on everyday changes and not geo-engineering projects to help solve climate change.





to do?

How long
could it take?

How quickly could we see a change?

environmental effects?

Cool down - reflection what they got out of today's lesson. 

Let's chat!

Say which geo-engineering idea you like best.

Say if your thoughts on geo-engineering changed.

Say something
you learned.

Say which of your classmates had great ideas.

Say what you
found interesting.

Say what you will do to help climate change.

Did you enjoy today's lesson?

Was the lesson too difficult?




See you again soon. Goodbye!

Extension activity

Ciimate Change: Geo-engineering

By Kate Pearce

Ciimate Change: Geo-engineering

  • 107