Superhero Academy

Maple Mania
Maple Mania

Use 1 word to describe it!

Hey! What is this?

Would you like to see a real beaver?

Guess where
we're going!


Wow! Canada is big/small!

How far from
Canada do you live?

If you've never been to Canada, draw a smiley face!

I’m from Ottawa, the capital of Canada. Do you know the capital of your country?

The capital of my country is...

Hey, did you see those tall buildings? Do you know what they're called? What do the buildings in your city
look like?

Canada is so cold that Canadians don't have fridges in their homes.
The national symbol of Canada is a maple leaf.
Canadian hockey players drink maple syrup instead of water.
There are a lot of beavers and moose in Canada.
Canadians have a dish called a 'beaver tail'.
True or

Some of these are surprising!

beaver tails

People put tasty things on them, like cinnamon and sugar, chocolate and bananas, or maple syrup.

Beaver tails are yummy Canadian treats that look like beavers' tails! But don't worry, they don't actually come from beavers! They are long, fried pastries that are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Can you guess what people put on top of their beaver tails?

I would love to have a beaver tail with maple syrup! What would you like to put on your beaver tail?

Which of these toppings would you like to try?

I would like to try ___ on my beaver tail.

I wouldn't like to try ___ on my beaver tail.

Make your own
beaver tails!






maple syrup




Let's make beaver tails together!

Sure! What would you like on your beaver tail?

I would like ___
on my beaver tail. And what
about you?

I would like

Let's go for a

It was yummy!
My tummy is full now!

I feel...

Limberlost forest

Another really cool
thing about Canada is its beautiful nature.
Let's see how many words we can use to talk about Limberlost Forest!

Tell us about the nature in your country!

Did you know that moose live in Canada? They're very special because of their antlers. Guess what! Their antlers can be as wide as 1.8 metres! That’s the same as the height of a basketball hoop!


What other things can you think of that are 1.8 meters tall or wide?

1.8 m

1.8 m

I really enjoyed our walk in the forest!
Now it would be nice to sit down in a quiet place...

Can you see that building behind me?

What do you think it is? Let's go and check it out.

It's a library! Can you believe it? It's in Calgary, which is a city in the south of Canada.


Let's take a look inside.

Would you like to go there?

What do you think of Canada after today's lesson?

It's awesome! I will definitely go there one day!

It's okay. I may go there some day.

I don't like it. I will only go to Canada if someone pays me to!

Superhero Academy


Fun time!

Say 1 thing
about Canada!

An apple a day

are better than one.

Work with a partner to connect the halves!

Measure twice

catches the worm.

Two heads

cut once.

The early bird

all your eggs in one basket.

Don't put

keeps the doctor away.

1. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
2. Measure twice, cut once.
3. Two heads are better than one.

4. The early bird catches the worm.
5. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Beavers live in Canada, too. They have unusual teeth. These teeth are super strong, and they never stop growing! They need to munch on lots of wood to keep their teeth in good shape.


What do we have to do to keep our teeth healthy?

Fun fact: Canada is the world's largest producer of maple syrup! This sweet treat is made from maple tree sap. It takes about 40 litres of sap to produce just one litre of maple syrup! Maple syrup is not only a popular topping for pancakes and waffles, but it is also used in a lot of recipes, from desserts to marinades. In fact, Canadians even celebrate 'Maple Syrup Day' on December 17th each year!

maple tree sap
maple tree

maple syrup

How much maple syrup could you make from 120 litres of sap?

Superhero Academy


Lesson Content

There is / are some...
There isn't / aren't any"
Functional language:
What would you like to ...?
I'd like to...
maple syrup, bananas, sprikles, cinnamon, nuts, chocolate
1.4 Travel - Canada - Maple Mania
By Jekaterina Smirnova
1.4 Travel - Canada - Maple Mania
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