Unusual restaurants
Superhero Academy
Dinner in the Sky (London?)
O.Noir (Toronto, Canada)

How old are you?

How are you today?

Do you like eating at a restaurant or having a homemade meal?
Who do you like to eat out with, your family or friends?
When you go to a restaurant , do you prefer to sit indoors or outdoors?
What is you favourite food/drink to order at restaurant?
Can you name these?

to place an order
to ask for the bill
to pay by virtual card (on phone)

to pay by cash
to pay by credit card
Can you name these?
Game slide
Practice vocab
A boy and a girl feel hungry, they decide to use their VR glasses to go to a restaurant

I'm so hungry! I wish we could go to a restaurant right NOW.

Me too! How about we use our VR glasses to go to a restaurant?
Oh, that's such a cool idea! We can have a virtual restaurant adventure!

Awesome! Let's do it! Let's visit our first restaurant.
Look at the ‘London in the sky’ restaurant!

Waiter : Are you ready to order, or do you need a few more minutes?
Superhero 1: We are ready, thank you. I’d like a chicken sandwich with fries (BR) and a lemonade, please.
Superhero 2: And I would like to have pasta and orange juice, please. .
Waiter : Excellent choice Alright,. Your food and drinks will be ready shortly.

Wow, a restaurant in the sky! So cool! Let’s order something. Can we see the menu, please?

Sure, here is your menu.

Is there anything on special today?

What other ice cream flavours do you have?

Today's special is ice cream with caramel drizzle.

Chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. Which flavour would you like?

I'd like to have a bowl of chocolate ice cream, please.

And I would like to have the vanilla ice cream, please.


Functional language practise
I’d like…please/ Would you like...?
Waiter: What can I get for you?
Customer: ____________ a cheeseburger with fries____
Waiter: ____________ to see the dessert menu?
Customer: Yes, . ____________ to see what desserts you have.
Waiter: How about a milkshake with your meal?
Customer: No, thank you. ________________ a soda ____.
Waiter: We have vanilla ice cream and chocolate ice cream what flavour of ice cream ________________?
Customer: Yes, _____________ a scoop of vanilla ice cream, ______
I’d like…please/ Would you like
Waiter: ________________ any ketchup for your fries?
Customer: Yes, ________________ some ketchup, ____.
Waiter: ________________ the check?
Customer: Yes, please. ________________ the check, ____.

What would you like to order?
I would like to have a hamburger, please
What would you like to have?
Are you ready to place your order?
I'd like a strawberry ice cream , please

I'd like to have a milkshake, please.

What would you like to order?

Excellent job! Here is your first set of letters ..
Have you ever eaten food in the dark?
Have you heard about any interesting restaurants? If yes, which one and where is it located?
Could you share a cool or surprising facts about this restaurant?
If you wanted to tell a friend about this restaurant, what things would you mention to convince them to go there?

Let’s go to O.Noir restaurant in Toronto

Best Food to Eat in the Dark
Tools You Need in the Dark:
What food do you think is the best to eat in the dark?
When eating in the dark, what tools or items do you need?
Adjectives for food










Can you name these?

It is cold.

It is sweet.

Is it an ice cream?

Story slide
girl: Have you decided what you would like to order?
boy: Not yet. I can't decide between sushi and a pizza.
girl: Oh, I can help you with that. I prefer pizza to sushi. It's way easier to eat pizza in the dark!
boy: I see. I like sushi, but if you say the pizza is better, I'll go with that.
girl: Great choice! And to drink?
boy: I like lemonade. I'd like to have a glass of lemonade, please.
girl: Lemonade sounds good. Ah, it is so pity we are only using VR glasses right now. I wish I could taste all of that!

I prefer apples to chocolate.
I like apples more than chocolate.
I prefer pasta to pizza.
I like pasta more than pizza.

She prefers hamburgers to pizza.
We prefer sushi to sandwiches.
I prefer oranges to apples.
I prefer ice cream to donuts.
He prefers ice cream to bananas.
I prefer pasta to salad.
True or false

Do you like….or….?
Do you prefer...?
I prefer ___ to ___.
sunny weather/rainy weather
Eating at home/ Eating at a restaurant
ice cream/cake
Well done!
You got your next set of letters ….
What word can you make out of the letters you collected today?

ice cream/cupcakes
apple juice/ orange juice
milk/ water
The Forgetful Waiter
Here is your order…
Girl: Whoa, look at the sushi and the colorful rolls! This is amazing.
Boy: I know, right? It's like we're really here. But you know what, even though the VR food looks great, I'm still hungry.
Girl: Same here. It's like our tummies know the difference between real and virtual food.
Boy: Exactly. I guess our adventure was fun, but we need to go to a real restaurant to finally eat some real food.
Girl: Haha, you're right. Let's take off these glasses and go find a place to eat for real.

Wrap up
Which restaurant did we go to first?
What did they choose to eat in the dark?
Are they still hungry? Why?
Which restaurant would you like to visit?
What food would you like to order there?
Wordwall ex 1
Extra practice -
Wordwall ex 2
Extra practice -
Wordwall ex 3
Extra practice -
Story outline:
A girl and a boy use their special VR glasses to go to two restaurants. They have fun and order yummy food, but they are still hungry when they finish. So, they decide to go and eat in the real world.:)
Copy of 4.4 Believe it or not! - Unusual restaurants
By Anna Kostraba
Copy of 4.4 Believe it or not! - Unusual restaurants
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